Course Overview

This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the concepts, theories, and practices of public administration and organization including The Old Public Administration, The New Public Administration, Public Choice Theory, and The New Public Management, Governance, Postmodernism. Throughout the course, students will engage in discussions and debates on current issues and challenges facing public administration and organization. They will also be expected to complete readings, assignments, and a research paper related to the topics covered in the course. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of the principles and practices of public administration, as well as a critical awareness of the complexities and challenges involved in managing public organizations.

  • To download the course outline, please click here

Grading Criteria

Mid Term Exam Grade:

Mid Term Exam (50%) + Homework (40%) + Quiz (10%) + Bonus (if any)

Final Exam Grade:

Final Exam (50%) + Homework (40%) + Quiz (10%) + Bonus (if any)

Overall Grade:

40% of MTEG + 60% of FEG

  • AA: 90-100
  • BA: 85-89
  • BB: 80-84
  • CB: 75-79
  • CC: 70-74
  • DC: 65-69
  • DD: 60-64
  • FD: 50-59
  • FF: 0-49

Homework Format Requirements

  • Only the following word format is accepted for homework.
  • The manuscript should have a title.
  • The annotation must have a title.
  • The manuscript should be one page long. (Minimum 500 words)
  • The font size should be 12-point.
  • The font should be Time New Roman.
  • The manuscript should be 1 spaced.
  • All margins should be 2,5 cm wide.
  • A cover page is not allowed.
  • Citations/Quotations (Turnitin similarity index) cannot be more than 30%.
  • All manuscripts should be submitted in due time.
  • All manuscripts should be uploaded via turnitin.

Course Content

Introduction to the course

  • Welcome to the first week of ADM1225 course. In this week, we will cover the basic concepts of public administration and its significance.

Homework for the next week

  • Read the following text called "Framing the public in public administration (in The Spirit of Public Administration, pages 27-43) by Frederickson" and choose one of the perspectives to public and explain why you have chosen that perspective.

Deadline:25-Mar-2021, 13:30

The concepts and their definitions about public administration: The questions of administration, public, public administration 1

  • Frederickson, H. George (1997) The Spirit of Public Administration, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pages 27-43
  • Waldo, Dwight (1987 [1955]) "What is public administration?" in Jay M. Shafritz and Albert C. Hyde (eds) Classics of Public Administration, 2nd edition, Chicago: The Dorsey Press, pages 229-241
  • Dunsire, Andrew (1973), Administration-The Word & The Science, London: Martin Robertson Press, pages 1-17.

Suggested reading in Turkish

  • Fişek, Kurthan (2005), Yönetim, Ankara: Paragraf Yayınları, sayfalar 31-45, 49-69, 87-101.

Homework for the next week

  • Compare and contrast the term management and administration. (Deadline: 08-Apr-2021, 13:30)

The concepts and their definitions about public administration: The questions of administration, public, public administration 2

  • Polatoğlu, Aykut (2000) Introduction to Public Administration: The Case of Turkey, Ankara: Metu, pages 1-5 (up to section 3)
  • Waldo, Dwight (1953) Ideas and issues in Public Administration: A book of readings, New York: McGraw-Hill, pages 49 - 63, includes "Bureaucratic Management" by Ludwig Von Mises, and "Government is Different" by Paul H. Appleby with the introduction by D. Waldo.
  • Nigro, Felix A. and Lloyd G. Nigro (1984) Modern Public Administration, Cambridge: Harper and Row, pages 3-11 only

Suggested BBC documentary

  • The great offices of state Part 1

Homework for the next week

  • Read the following text called "Public Administrative Theory and the Separation of Powers by Rosenbloom" and choose one of the perspectives to public administration and explain why you have chosen that perspective. (Deadline: 15-Apr-2021, 13:30)

Locus of public administration: Boundaries of public administration 1

  • Rosenbloom, David H. (1992 [1983]) “Public Administrative Theory and the Separation of Powers”, in Jay M. Shafritz and Albert C. Hyde (eds) Classics of Public Administration, 3rd edition, California: Brooks-Cole Publishing Company, pages 510-522.
  • Herring, E. Pendleton (1992 [1936]) “Public Administration and the Public interest”, in Jay M. Shafritz and Albert C. Hyde (eds) Classics of Public Administration, 3rd edition, California: Brooks-Cole Publishing Company, pages 75-79.
  • Goodnow, Frank (1992 [1900]) “Politics and Administration”, in Jay M. Shafritz and Albert C. Hyde (eds) Classics of Public Administration, 3rd edition, California: Brooks-Cole Publishing Company, pages 25-28.

Suggested BBC Drama

Homework for the next week

Locus of public administration: Boundaries of public administration 2

  • Weber, Max “The Presuppositions and Causes of Bureaucracy”, Gerth, H. H. And C. Wright Mills (eds) (1958) From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, New York: Oxford University Press, pages 204 – 209.
  • Marx, Morstein (1957) The Administrative State, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, chapter 2, pages 16-33
  • Suggested readings in Turkish

  • Şener, H. E. (2020) Aklın Trajedisi ve Bir Suçlama Olarak Bürokrasi: Kafka'nın Dava'sı ve Şato'su, Memleket Siyaset Yönetim (MSY), Cilt 15, Sayı 33, Haziran 2020, 1-34.
  • Akbulut, Örsan Ö. (2005), Siyaset ve Yönetim İlişkisi-Kuramsal ve Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım-, Ankara: TODAİE Yayını, sayfalar 142-155.
  • Suggested books from the literature

  • Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü (The Time Regulation Institute).
  • Franz Kafka, Dava (The Trial).
  • Suggested videos in Turkish

  • Ahmet Hamdi Tampınar bize ne öğretti?
  • Kafka bize ne öğretti?
  • Focus of public administration: Public administration at work

  • Taylor, Frederick W. (1992 [1912]) “Scientific Management”, in Jay M. Shafritz and Albert C. Hyde (eds) Classics of Public Administration, 3rd edition, California: Brooks-Cole Publishing Company, pages 29-32.
  • Braverman, Harry (1984 [1974]), “The Real Meaning of Taylorism”, Frank Fischer and Carmen Sirianni (ed.), Critical Studies in Organization & Bureaucracy, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pages 55-61.
  • Şener, H.E. (2013) The Universality and Objectivity of the Capitalist Management Techniques in the Context of Taylorism and Market. Full text, TODAIE's Review of Public Administration, Volume 7, Issue 4, December 2013, pp.81-95.
  • book from the literature

    Fyodor Mihayloviç Dostoyevski, Yeraltından Notlar (Notes from Underground)

    Homework for the next week

    6: Read the following parable called "Before the Law by Kafka" and explain and discuss the function or power of the gatekeeper. (Deadline: 16-May-2021, 23:59)

    Focus of public administration: Public administration at work 2

  • Henry, Nicholas (1975) Public Administration and Public Affairs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, pages 69-79 are must but it is recommended that you read from 55 to 79.
  • Lipsky, Michael (1992 [1980]) “Street-Level Bureaucracy: The Critical Role of Street-Level Bureaucrats”, in Jay M. Shafritz and Albert C. Hyde (eds) Classics of Public Administration, 3rd edition, California: Brooks-Cole Publishing Company, pages 476-484.
  • Mid-Term Exam

    The history of administration and public administration: The past, the present and the future of the disciplin

  • Wilson, Woodrow (1992 [1887]) “The Study of Administration”, in Jay M. Shafritz and Albert C. Hyde (eds) Classics of Public Administration, 3rd edition, California: Brooks-Cole Publishing Company, pages 11-24.
  • Sayre, Wallace S. (1968 [1958]) “Premises of Public Administration: Past and Emerging” in A. M. Willms and W. D. K. Kernaghan (eds.) Public Administration in Canada: Selected Readings, Toronto: Methuen, pages 26-30.
  • Suggested satirical sitcoms

  • Yes, Minister
  • Yes, Prime Minister
  • Suggested readings in Turkish

  • Akbulut, Ö. Ö. (2005), Siyaset ve Yönetim İlişkisi-Kuramsal ve Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım-, Ankara: TODAİE Yayını, sayfalar 75-82, 91-101, 106-114.
  • Homework for the next week

    Compare and Contrast Old Public Administration and New Public Administration. (Deadline: 27-May-2021 13:30)

    Video: Old Public Administration

    The New Public Administration

  • Frederickson, H. George (1992 [1971]) “Toward a New Public Administration”, in Jay M. Shafritz and Albert C. Hyde (eds) Classics of Public Administration, 3rd edition, California: Brooks-Cole Publishing Company, pages 368 - 381.
  • Suggested reading in Turkish

  • Özgür, Hüseyin (2003) “Yeni Kamu Yönetimi Hareketi”, Çağdaş Kamu Yönetimi -I, (Editörler) Muhittin Acar ve Hüseyin Özgür, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, ss. 183-224.
  • Suggested Ted Talk

  • How America's public schools keep kids in poverty
  • Homework for the next week

    Compare and Contrast New Public Administration (see Frederickson above) and New Public Management (see Hood below). (Deadline: 03-June-2021 13:30)

    Compare and Contrast New Public Management and Governance. (Deadline: 10-June-2020 23:59)

    Video: New Public Administration

    Public Choice Theory and The New Public Management

    Required Readings

    • Hood, C. (1991). A public management for all seasons? Public Administration. 69, 3-19.
    • Ostrom, V. and Ostrom, E. (1971) Public Choice: A Different Approach to the Study of Public Administration, Public Administration Review, 31(2):203-216.

    Suggested Readings in Turkish

  • Akbulut, Ö. Ö. (2007), “Kamu Yönetiminde İşletmecilik Sorunu”, Mülkiye, Bahar, Cilt XXXI, Sayı 254, sayfalar 73-86.
  • Aksoy, Şinasi (1995) “Yeni Sağ ve Devletin Değişimi”, Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyumu Bildirileri 2. Cilt, Ankara:TODAİE Yayını, sayfalar 159-173.
  • Şener, H. E. (2003). Yeni Sağın Yerellik Söylemindeki Değişimi Anlamlandırmak. Full text Kamu Yönetimi Dünyası Dergisi 4 (16), 2-8.
  • Şener, H. E. (2004) Postmodern Dönemde Devleti Modernleştirmek: Yeni İşçi Partisi'nin Kamu Hizmeti Anlayışı. Full text, Amme İdaresi Dergisi 37 (3) 121-146.
  • Şener, H. E. (2007). Kamu Yönetiminde Postmodernizm. Full text In Ş. Aksoy ve Y. Üstüner (Ed.) Kamu Yönetimi:
  • Yöntem ve Sorunlar (pp. 27-44). Ankara: Nobel.
  • Homework for the next week

    Compare and Contrast New Public Management and Governance. (Deadline: 10-June-2020 23:59)

    Video: New Public Management


  • Rhodes, R. (1996). The new governance: Governing without government. Political Studies, 44(4): 652-667. (652-659 must, and the rest is recommended.)
  • Bovaird, Tony (2002) “Public Management and Governance: Emerging trends and potential future directions” in Eran Vigoda (ed) Public Administration: An Interdisciplinary Critical Analysis, New York: Marcel Dekker, 345-356 must, but pages 345-376 are recommended.
  • European Commission (2001) European governance - A white paper [COM(2001) 428 final - Official Journal C 287 of 12.10.2001].
  • Suggested Reading in Turkish:

  • Üstüner, Yılmaz (2003) “Siyasa Oluşturma Sürecinde Ağ Yönetişimi Kuramı” (The theory of Network Governance in the policy-making process), Amme İdaresi Dergisi, c.36 (3), sayfalar 49-65
  • Homework for the next week

    10: Compare and Contrast New Public Management and Postmodern Public Administration. (Deadline: 17-June-2021 13:30)

    Compare and Contrast New Public Management and Governance. (Deadline: 10-June-2020 23:59)

    Video: Governance


  • Frederickson, George H. and Kevin B. Smith (2003), The Public Administration Theory Primer, Oxford: Westviev Press, pages 127-159 [Postmodern Theory]
  • Suggested readings in Turkish:

  • Şener, H. E. (2005). Kamu Yönetiminde Katılım ve Çoğulculuk. Full text Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 38 (4), 1-22.
  • Şener, H. E. (2007). Kamu Yönetiminde Postmodernizm. Full text In Ş. Aksoy ve Y. Üstüner (Ed.) Kamu Yönetimi: Yöntem ve Sorunlar (pp. 27-44). Ankara: Nobel.
  • Şener, H.E. & Özcan, K. (2015) Post-yapısalcılıktan Post-modernizme: Kamu Yönetiminde Yeni Perspektifler [From Post-structuralism to Post-modernism: New Perspectives in Public Administration] (pp.11-46) in Ö. Köseoğlu & M.Z. Sobacı (Eds.) Kamu Yönetiminde Paradigma Arayışları: Yeni Kamu İşletmeciliği ve Ötesi, Bursa:Dora.
  • Suggested movies:

  • Lost Highway (1997)
  • The Truman Show (1998)
  • The Matrix (1999)
  • Suggested documentary:

  • Death of Modern Architecture: Official Trailer - the Pruitt-Igoe Myth: an Urban History
  • Suggested Netflix TV Series:

  • Black Mirror (TV Series 2011– )
  • The first episode contains very disturbing images. So, you may prefer to start from the second episode.
  • Compare and Contrast New Public Management and Governance. (Deadline: 10-June-2020 23:59)

    Video: Postmodernism

    The principles and the structure of public administration in Turkey: Historical, social and institutional context


  • Heper, M. and Berkman, Ü. (2002) "Political Dynamics and Administrative Reform in Turkey," Administrative Reforms in Developing Nations, (Ed.) A. Farazmand, Greenwood: USA, pp. 151- 162.
  • Şener, H. E. (2009) Administrative Reform as an Opportunity: The EU Accession Process in Hungary and Turkey. Full text (pp. 299-311). Ankara: Phoenix.
  • The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey
  • The Constitution of the United States
  • Suggested Readings in Turkish:

  • Şener, H.E. (2013) Türkiye’deki Türkiye’deki Kamu Personel Politikalarının Bir Analizi. Full text., iç. Mete Yıldız ve Mehmet Zahid Sobacı (Der.). Kamu Politikası: Kuram ve Uygulama (s. 586-603). Ankara: Adres Yayınları.
  • Turan, İlter (2003 [1999]) “Türk Bürokrasisinde Süreklilik ve Değişim”, Burhan Aykaç, Şenol Durgun ve Hüseyin Yayman (der.) Türkiye’de Kamu Yönetimi içinde, sayfalar 121 – 144.
  • Top Students


    Rank Name
    1 Selin Bayrak
    1 Cemal Eren Güçlükol
    2 Alperen Birlik
    3 Mert Can Demirkay
    4 Aise Nur Can
    4 Melike Akbay

    Average grade for the class: 75/CB (40 students)


    Rank Name
    1 Berke Tufan
    2 Ahmet Safa Güler
    2 Ecem Karakuş
    2 İrem Gürel
    3 Öykü Kurun
    3 Umut Metiner
    3 Aslı Ceren Lort

    Average: 76/CB (44 students)


    Rank Name
    1 Ezgi Balcı
    1 Tuğba Yaren Çarıklı
    2 Ulvi Kağan Dağdeviren
    3 Reem Eleyan
    4 İpek Şevval Esen

    Average: 65/DC (40 students)